Our coordinates: latitude 37.010143 – longitude 14.930195
On the GPS, please, write “Rigolizia (Noto)”, it is the nearest place to AGUGLIA. If you come from Palazzolo we are 2 km before of Rigolizia. If you come from Noto, we are 2 km after Rigolizia.
Our road sign on the SP24 road
follow the green road signs to “TANGENZIALE OVEST”. Then follow the green road signs to SIRACUSA (E45). On the E45 road, please, turn into exit CANICATTINI.
Follow always the road signs to CANICATTINI town. Go beyond CANICATTINI town exit and go towards PALAZZOLO ACREIDE town. Turn into following exit PALAZZOLO ACREIDE.
In PALAZZOLO ACREIDE town follow the signs to Greek Theatre (Archaeological Park), it is on the top of the town. On the way out of the town, please, do not turn right to Greek theatre but go straight to NOTO. You will be on SP 24 road (Strada Provinciale n.24). On this road there are the signs of the kilometers. After the road sign 7, nearly the center of a bend, turn left on a dirt road.
Follow always the road signs to CANICATTINI town. Go beyond CANICATTINI town exit and go towards PALAZZOLO ACREIDE town. Turn into following exit PALAZZOLO ACREIDE. In PALAZZOLO ACREIDE town follow the signs to Greek Theatre, it is on the top of the town. On the way out of the town, please, do not turn right to Greek theatre but go straight to NOTO. You will be on SP 24 road (Strada Provinciale n.24)
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